How are you on this fine day?

I understand you find intrigue in the gods...

In this case... allow me to grant you a vessel.

Just like all others in the brotherhood, I have granted you the stanard vessel of a brotherhood member.

Allow us to grant you... the gift of sight.

Do you feel it?

Slowly but surely... you shall awaken.

Your eyes are never complete without a mismatched pair...

For without the difference of eyes, we are blind to true divinity.

Now... see the world through the eyes gifted by gods.

Did you see them?

The visions?

The visions of the god's world?

You may join us... if you wish.

Did you see them?

Our lords?

Their grace... it beckons me.

One day... you shall feel it too...

Yes... let us complete your vessel...

A nose... can you smell the air?

Yes... do you feel your senses? The world is coming together bit by bit...

You feel it too, don't you? The blessings from the gods...

Yes... it's all coming together.

Join us... and you shall feel their true holiness.

And now...